This post has been in the waiting for a long time. I keep thinking I want to do it, then decide against it, then consider doing it, then reconsider the reconsideration, and so on.
I figured I'd just do it and get it over with. [Plus, I have a lot of work to do and I'm running out of reasonable methods of procrastination.]
The thing is, this Calvin and Hobbes strip pretty much covers everything I feel.
Calvin's is a valid concern. And it's one of the reasons I love Calvin and Hobbes so much. Like I've said multiple times about John Green (writer, vlogger and human being extraordinairre), the words are so unassumingly profound. Funny, too, but also surprisingly deep at times, particularly for a comic strip.
I believe God exists. I want to believe, I hope that God exists. Because I have to. Not because some religion forces it upon me, but because life makes no sense without God. I suppose one could say that life can be profound and meaningful even without a higher presence. That Man is a means and an end in himself.
But that's so..empty. I need some sort of higher power to pray to, to give me hope to deal with the inevitable, to deal with what I can't change.
To believe in.
At least I think I do.
I figured I'd just do it and get it over with. [Plus, I have a lot of work to do and I'm running out of reasonable methods of procrastination.]
The thing is, this Calvin and Hobbes strip pretty much covers everything I feel.
I believe God exists. I want to believe, I hope that God exists. Because I have to. Not because some religion forces it upon me, but because life makes no sense without God. I suppose one could say that life can be profound and meaningful even without a higher presence. That Man is a means and an end in himself.
But that's so..empty. I need some sort of higher power to pray to, to give me hope to deal with the inevitable, to deal with what I can't change.
To believe in.
At least I think I do.