Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My First Crush

Twas many years ago. A hot summer had just ended, and I was starting eighth grade in a new continent, country and school. Having recently discovered my hormones, I was all into unconciously checking the boyzz out, but no one had caught my eye as such.

Till he came.

We had a party one day.
And he came.
To my house.
I was seeing him after years.
I don't recall ever noticing the fact that he was male, before.
Now it was all I could see.
We'd known them before we moved, and now we were back, he was yummy--and they were moving.
To a different city, a different world, for all I could care.

And I haven't seen him since.

And my love-life hasn't gotten any better since then either.


~Singly yours, Sam

Friday, October 26, 2012


So the two, er, people, I most want to marry right now are:
1. The scent of a bakery.
2. Google.

Next would be Hugh Jackman, I guess, who thankfully does appear to be an actual person, inhumanly flawless and out of reach as he may be.

God, I'm in trouble.


Also, this is my first blogpost from my phone, yay! No more forgetting ideas by the time I reach my laptop! :D

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Things I've thought recently.

I wonder how much of religion is habit.

Trust not the crystal ball.

I hate you, all the people on the street. I hate you, all the people who don't think, who refuse to see.

Does Switzerland have an army?

I pray and I hope that someone is listening.

I petition, but I've realized no one's listening.

It never rains, but it pours.
No. It rains constantly, and then pours intermittently.

Sit in the corner of the train, next to the panoramic window. Sit and observe. The scene changes, merges into another. Trains come, and go. The guard lifts and loosens the bar. The scene moves, the scene changes. Everything changes.

Buffeted nightingales,
caught in the rain.
becoming diamonds in the rough?

"Metaphors are dangerous. Metaphors are not to be trifled with. A single metaphor can give birth to love."
-The Unbearable Lightness of Being
[Which is one of the most beautiful book titles I've come across, ever.]


Monday, October 8, 2012

Gangnam Style

So I'm sure you know what Gangnam style is.At least everyone who is reading this, because let's face it; if you know what a blog is, you'll know what Gangnam Style is. There are two people who don't know what the Gangnam Style is.
1)The old people.(And even they know I assume. My dad knew what is was!  I was so proud.)
2) People who use the internet for all the wrong reasons.(Actual research)

I was watching the T-20 Cricket Finals, and after winning, the ENTIRE West Indies team were doing the Gangnam Style. Now THAT is awesome.

Maythegangnamforcebewithyou(It's not with me. Of course not. It's mainstream now.)