Tuesday, August 30, 2011

yet another one of my weird fantasy things. yeah im obsessed with fantasy. would you blame me? what if life was  going to school and studying all the time. yeah it sucks. hence, i dream. maybe too much. but who cares. okay. clearly sam cant tell the difference between lord of the rings and star wars. SAM LISTEN UP. and all you other people who have NEVER seen LOTR or star wars(its a shame really).
This is LOTR. the character is Aragorn. brave and sexy. My personal fave.

this be STAR WARS. epic. 

OH AND AFTER WATCHING LOTR, if you don't get this feeling(i dont know what to call it-epic feeling maybe?) you are not fit to talk to me.
this is #malko#  saying, maytheforcebewithyou

Remember that thing about me being a lot saner than I look..? Good. Keep remembering it.

So I got by a day without FB, though it did lead to me spamming Malko with THIS:
5:50- Emailing feels weird. I miss FB :(
5:51- Maybe I should make a new id. FBcraver@something.com. Gah. When will this week (of torture) end? And what will I do with two holidays and NO FACEBOOK? :O So much TIME!
still 5:51-
Malkoooooooooooooooooooooo! What will I DO? How will I SURVIVE? *tragic-ness* 
5:52-Malko. I don't want to die, and your name reminds me of a mango smoothie. (I want a) Malko. 
5:52-I want chocolate chip cookies. Subway style. 
*period of relative-and deceptive-calmness*
6:09-WHY WONT YOU TALK TO ME?!?!?! *bursts into tears*

*continued silence from Malko*


I love you, like I hate you.

        Withdrawal. My fingers itch, my heart beats faster. I am so close, yet I force myself to abstain.
    Force myself NOT to type facebook.com in the browser, to go somewhere else instead, distract myself with other sites, to not fall into temptation. I must resist the irresistible. I thought it would be easier, thought I’d be able to control myself, but apparently the grip facebook has on my life is stronger than I gave it credit for. For those of you who are confused, let me explain-I, finally noticing exactly how addicted I am getting to facebook, have decided to temporarily deactivate, to switch off, to get my life, my time back.  And it was hard, believe you me, it was hard. To let go, to click that final button, to end it all, even temporarily. To go through the day telling people who wanted to post links on my wall, wanted me to check their status or pictures, that I couldn’t do that, that I had *gasp* deactivated. That I had let go, if only to prove that I could.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Girl Effect

Aids, rape, poverty, abuse. Abstract words we hear every day in our life, but a reality for a lot of people. The least we can do is acknowledge it, if not fight it. http://www.facebook.com/girleffect?sk=app_258504187502288


Musings, Ramblings, and Longings

It rained yesterday. Not the pouring, depressing kind, but the type where you want to curl up on your non-existent window seat, and stare out the window, look at the rain fall down, and...think. Imagine. Fantasize. Of a guy, maybe, sitting with you, holding you, supporting you. Whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Going for a long, slow walk with you. Holding hands. Making plans. The secret (or not so secret) dream of every girl. Of this girl.


[Update: It's 2014 and this post is so cringe-worthy, I actually literally cringed.]

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


#malko here!#    
in case you haven't noticed, this blog is managed by two people. do not be confused if the blogs sound like they've been written by a person who has Multiple Personality Disorder. although we think we do suffer from some sort of  disorder. randomness maybe? so if you guys are wondering what our blog is about...its about EVERYTHING. why restrict horizons right? so theres this book, a series rather called the shifter series. ONE KICKASS SERIES i tell ya. do check it out if you're into stuff like fighting and politics and romance.CHECK IT OUT!  so her new series, blood bound releases today but only in the US and UK. BLEH. i hope its as good as the shifter series. *hopes* now i should really get back to studying commerce. *opens book, reads first line. eyes leave book and catch scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell. begins reading it.* 

this is malko being hopeless, maytheforcebewithyou.


Hola, non-existent followers! This be Sam, who has decided to skip working for the day and instead spend a(nother) day in her life making an occupation out of doing nothing. And writing long notes made up of nothing. Since I have a chronic disease that causes all ideas to flow right out of my mind as soon as it's time to do something with them, this isn't going to be one of those awesome-amazing-hilarious-random blog-posts that you'll (hopefully) contend with later, but just an intro blog-post type thing. So here are a few things you should know about me:

1) I'm really random, and occasionally come across as crazy. Don't be fooled. I am a lot saner than I look. Or act. Probably.

2) I love to read, write, listen to music, and bug people dumb enough to give me their phone number.

3) I want to be a writer. And a lawyer. And the ruler of the country. And a celebrity. And a hermit. And a marine biologist or a deep sea diver, if someone would just get rid of all the sharks and other possibly fatal things down there.

4) I think I have (mild) OCD about some things. I can also be very erratic in my behaviour. I am also not as crazy as I make myself sound. (See point 1).

5) Narrow minded people piss me off. I'm a live and let live type of person, and would appreciate it if others extended the same courtesy to me.

6) I'm a die-hard romantic. And obsessed with Hugh Jackman. And Captain Jack Sparrow (not Johnny Depp. Cap'n Jack Sparrow. Note the difference). But mainly Hugh Jackman.

7) I am weirdly obsessed with Hitler's love life. And British accents.

8) I just figured out that there isn't much about me that would interest random strangers which I would like to share with them, so bye for now.

PS-I'm a nice person, so for all the other non-Star-Wars (Edit: Lord of the Rings. Sorrz)-watching people like me out there, I have obtained-after a lot of hard work (read: begging)-the translation of "Sein Arda". It means "new realm". Okay, now bye!

PPS-I just remembered the "About Me" section, but I'm too lazy to go paste and post this there, so.. whatever.

PPPS-I have a clone. Like, really. We're both awesome, and whats more important, we're awesome in all of the same ways.  So in your face, Science! You can't tell me whether its possible for me to have a clone or not, cuz guess what? I do. So suck it. (Yeah, Science and I don't get along so well.)


we ourselves and us.

*swat* i just killed a mosquito. darn these bugs. ladybugs are nice though. maybe not so nice when your whole window is red.

9 years ago, bloomington illinois.

me: lalalalalala...hmmm i wonder whats new in the outside world
*turns the blinds to find a big blob of redness*
me:GAH! its a ladybug attack...ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! HOLY SHIT. are you guys here because i accidently killed your brother Fred and your other brother George(yes i had two lady bugs as pets when i was 9. and yes...you did just notice the harry potter reference)???? i didnt mean it! i dint know lady bugs cant swim!!

ladybugs: ...........
*they randomly move around on my window blocking any sight i have of the outside world*


anyyyyhooo, this is malko. sam is too busy studying. i probably should be studying too. dammit. commerce. *sigh* *drowns herself in woeful miseries*   gooodbye nice people. maytheforcebewithyou.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sein Arda

HELLO VIEWERS! this is the very first post of our blog. and what better way to begin than music? so tada. and apocalyptica why? BECAUSE they're awesome.

oh and if you're wondering what the title means...figure it out. hint- watch lord of the rings.