Friday, September 14, 2012

Why I Want the World to End In December

Because it would be SO COOL, to begin with.
Because I want to know what happens.
Because I want it to happen in my lifetime.
Because I don't want to die alone. I'm the girl who drags someone along with her everywhere she goes [reminds me of Harry's dilemma with Cho in the fourth book, harr harr], so yeah, I would prefer for a couple of billion people to accompany me on my final journey, too.
Because life sucks and then you die. [Had to say that.]
Because I want to know when I'm going to die so that I can plan the remainder of my life accordingly. Even a couple of weeks in advance would be fine. I don't like living in ambiguity (the irony, considering this is my natural state of existence), and how am I supposed to plan out my life if I don't even know how long I'm going to live for? [I have a post on this and I would link you to it but Í'm supposed to be working (surprise, surprise)].
Because I'm a last-minute-r. I've spent most of my life leaving things to the last minute, and I'd like this to happen when I'm relatively young so that when imminent death galvanizes me into finally living out my disproportionately long bucket list, I have the energy and the will to do so in a proper manner.
Because..other things which I don't have the time to articulate. Suffice to say, it is a long and convincing list.

~With a pinch of morbidity,

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