Monday, December 26, 2011

Laughing At My Nightmare Nonprofit Update 1

Hello good people. If you've been following us from the very beginning or if you've read our previous posts, you'd remember me telling you about this guy with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). Well, he's setting up a non-profit organization and he needs our help for spreading the word. Please watch the video and help out. Spread the cheer. Happy holidays!

 It's ironic how this post is inclined towards positivity, while the other posts are well, depressing.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

I go to sleep every night wishing that I never see the next morning, but it never happens.

Yes. I'm a very depressing person. Deal with it. Why shouldn't I be depressed? I am very disappointed with my life. I was going to post this yesterday, but it was Christmas; I didn't want to sound like the Grinch or Scrooge.
My Christmas was very un-merry. And so is my life.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Everything would be so much better if life was a T.V. show or a book.

Seriously. I would gladly spend my life hunting things, or married to a hot NBA star. Who wouldn't want to hang out with Sam and Dean Winchester? They're badass. And hot. You think they worry about how you did in school or how much money you make in a year? No. They don't give a rat's ass about all that bullcrap.

This is our life: Getting up for work. Worrying about that deadline. Trying to pay those ridiculous bills that seem to be increasing by the minute. Trying to accomplish something in life, getting into a "respectable" career so that the society accepts you, because if you don't wear a tie, your job sucks.
This is Sam and Dean Winchester's life: Kill monsters. Look good. Keep your ass alive.

Now doesn't that sound better?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Its funny how precious every moment becomes when you realize they're limited.

Wow. I sound like I just found out I was going to die or something. Well, I didn't. Though I would like to. I mean, I would like to know when would die. Not that I was going to.


 Its weird, but despite everyone knowing that we're going to die some day, death is always unexpected. Its like the elephant in the room. I remember wondering how Brutus could be so calm on hearing of his wife's death in Julius Caesar. I think I understand now, what he meant when he said that by meditating upon her death, i.e., by understanding that one day she would die, he has found it easier to accept her death. No way have I reached that level of maturity yet, to be able practice that, but I do understand now, and I don't find him such a heartless jerk any more, which is an improvement I suppose. I just..I wish we knew when we were going to die. A cancer patient gets a prognosis, but spends her life miserable at the thought of death. If I knew when I was going to die, I wouldn't waste it being unhappy. I would do my best to enjoy what time I had, to live every moment to the fullest. To just live. That's what I meant by the title-at the endings, the farewells, the close of the chapters, the last days, that's when we begin to treasure every moment. Why? Why must we not care about something until its about to run out? I'm not just talking about life here, this goes everything from pie to oil. Why can't we treasure what we do have just as much as what we're about to lose? Why is the girl who plays hard to get more appealing than the best friend? Why are we so stupid? 

I just feel that if we had as much respect for life as we do for death, the world would be a much happier place.


Invisible Lines

There are so many invisible lines in our lives. That limit that separates a joke from an insult. That line after which we go from being a child to an adult, from being blissfully ignorant to understanding, to participating. From beginning to comprehend dirty jokes to making them. From understanding swear words to flinging them about. From licking the cream of the oreo to eating the whole thing. From being comforted by our mothers to comforting. From crying to bottling in. From using exclamations all the time to rarely using more than one. From typyng lyk ths to typing like this. From wishing you were grown up to wishing you weren't. From loving everyone to indifference. From sunshine to cynicism. All separated, but with such a hazy demarcation that you never even realize that there was a bridge, let alone know when exactly you crossed it.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas people, and its early because I don't think I'll ever have more Christmas spirit in me than I do right now.

Its that time of the year again! Already :-S But no, fears are not for today. So. Merry Christmas! *smiles widely, radiating Christmas cheer from every tooth* I hope you all find what you're looking for, and get what you deserve and more, and are happy. Thank you, once again, for being a huge part of my happiness, now and ever since you got here.

Love you all,

Well, me, mostly, but I'm pretty sure Malko agrees.

Here are some pictures for you.

This is a happy, content ball, my "joy to the world" picture.

This is a happy penguin.

This is just happiness.

And this is me right now.
Well, not literally, but, ya'know. Metaphorically speaking. If the sun was shining and I was that girl and someone was there to take a picture at that moment when I did that, if I did that.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Urine tests are so misogynistic.

Seriously. I bet a guy designed those. No woman would ever subject her fellow beings to such torment. If God meant us to aim, he would have made us that way, is all I'm saying.

 I'll stop now.

In other news, I'm still sick. Ergo rambling and urine and blood tests. (I am not scared of needles, okay? I just have an completely natural dislike of sharp pointy things poking into important veins. Or was that arteries? Ugh, tenth grade Bio. I knew I should've paid more attention.)

Anyway. What was I saying? Oh yeah. Sick. So much time on my hands. So I decided to fiddle with timeline because fever turns me into a facebook troll and I was getting bored with facebook the way it was right then. And..I liked it! I know Zuckerberg is kind of like a dictator sometimes, shoving all these changes down our throats whether we want them or not, but you gotta admit the man is a genius. Facebook seems new and interesting all over again, just when it was starting to get stale. Stalking yourself is such a novel experience! Though its painful seeing how dumb you were once-but then you again you can also see how not-dumb you (hopefully) are now, which dulls the sting a bit. And it looks so nice, after you've stared at it for five hours! 


I'm out of things to say but I don't want to go away. But I'm making a concentrated effort not to make a fool of myself when not absolutely necessary, so I'll sign off now. I leave you with this awesome song, and the advice to ignore the video unless you're one of those self-actualized people with no body issues/have a 23 inch waist-line.

~Sincerely hoping that was coherent, Sam. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I use too many commas, don't I?

I love.

This is a throwback to this post, which reminded me of all the hate I had in me yesterday, and probably will have in me again tomorrow, but not today. Because today is for peace, and joy, and love.

I love today.

I love being sick. I love having an excuse to do nothing all day, but suddenly having no need for an excuse.

I love lazing around, stretched out on the grass; lying in the sun, soaking in the rays that well-meaning people had thrust upon me, saying that the sun would do me good.

I love chatting easily with old friends and new, having light, laughing conversations and connections, over everything and nothing.

I love reading the perfect book to match the perfect time-reading about a woman getting rid of her boring routine life for one of impulse and fun, just when I was doing the same, albeit in a smaller manner, without the one night stand or identity theft.

I love not having the energy to worry, the necessity to plan, the compulsion to think.

I love feeling floaty and pretty and beautiful, without anything having changed.

I love loving the day, the world, the universe, my life. I love shining benevolence on everyone and everything around me.

I love feeling needed and loved, accepted and accepting.

I love being able to write again. I love my thoughts exploding onto your screen in tiny grey characters.

I love smiling and laughing with every inch of me.

I love relaxing. I love feeling free.

I love life. 

I love the dreaminess, the effortless ease and perfection of today. I love the inherent peace, the total sense of rightness, calm, acceptance and bliss.

I love today. 

Its not perfect, but today it doesn't have to be. 


Monday, December 12, 2011

An Epic Battle.

Okay, so if the decepticons and cute Japanese droids were two separate dance crews, and a battle-off between the two was held, the music played would sound something like THIS.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sam's List of What's Hot and What's Snot About Superpowers

So I've decided to just pretend that all my work doesn't exist and waste hours online being an "internet troll", as a friend would put it. This post has been in my draft box for EVER, and tonight I decided to just get rid of it. As always, I hope you like it!

What's Hot and What's Snot About Various Superpowers: 

All the tele's:
Telekinesis: You don't have to move! Ever! What can be better than that?!
 Telepathy: You can transmit secret messages without the hassles of coding, decoding, and counter-coding, and the possibility of code-breaking. And you don't have to waste energy in talking, or worry about people overhearing you, or of being in hearing distance of each other. No phone bills or internet problems, just voices in your head.
Technopathy: It's defined as the ability to manipulate technology. Which, unless you're like Stephen Hawking or something, is something we all need help with. Ergo, it's an awesome superpower, one which I desperately wish I had. Imagine going, "Laptop! Unfreeze. NOW!" and actually having it respond instead of just sassing you with that annoying implacable face.

What's Snot: We'd all get really, really fat and then die.

Mind Reading: Do I even need to tell you how awesome this would be, especially for someone like me who can't read people very well?

What's Snot: Ignorance is bliss. I'd get to know a lot of things which I think I'd rather not know. Also, if people knew you were reading their mind while you were reading it, it probably wouldn't be too useful because they'd eventually learn to control their thoughts; if they didn't know, it'd be plain creepy because people might be reading my mind right now and I wouldn't even know it. But if I was the only one in the world with the power, then it would be perfect. (Yeah, I'm a hypocrite. Sue me.)

Super Strength: Meh. Don't really care about this one, though it would help me win a lot of fights, and get away with whatever I want, because most people don't really wanna mess with someone who looks like the Hulk.

What's Snot: I'd look like the Hulk. Even if I wasn't green, it's not the look a girl usually aspires for. If I could have it without the protruding muscles, it'd be acceptable I guess, though it's still not high on my list of awesome superpowers that I really, really want.

Predicting The Future: This would be both useful and annoying. Do I want to know I'm going to get an iPad for my birthday? Well, yes. But do I want to know that I'm going to get fired? Wait. Yes, I do. Never mind, forget specific examples. The general point is...

What's Snot: would ruin the spontaneity of life, the surprises, the shocks, the twists and turns. Life would be one big anti-climax. Imagine if you knew that the movie would end happily ever after. Anticlimactic, right?
Though we know that anyway. And we watch it anyway. So..never mind, I don't know why this would be bad. Except I s'pose you'd forget to live in the present, and just count on the future.

Super Beauty: Do I need to say anything?

What's Snot: Most straight girls would hate you. (2015 edit: What was 2011 me even on?)

Super Speed: Honestly, I don't think there's a point in explaining the awesomeness of these; they're pretty obvious. Maybe I'll just stick with the what's snot bit. But..NEVER BEING LATE TO WORK! How awesome would that be?

What's Snot: Practical problems. Would your metabolism burn extra-fast too? Would you have to eat all the time? Would you be winded all the time? Would you feel like a snail and hate it if you had to walk at a normal pace, say, taking a long romantic walk with your boyfriend? Would everyone else also have super speed? In that case, wouldn't it just get negated? Important questions, those be.

Flying: Come on, everyone has dreamed of this one. Being able to just zoom over that traffic jam. Being able to see the bird's view without burning a hole in your pocket for a flight ticket and then being air-sick to top it all off. Being able to lift off whenever you want; having the peace of the sky's mausoleum all to yourself.

What's Snot: Superman, birds, planes, pollution, clouds, thunder, lightning and so on ruining your peace or banging into you. That weird dropping-feeling in your stomach. The possibility of air-sickness in mid-air and puking onto some poor girl below. Having to carry your significant other along for flights, which would be a problem if you didn't have Superman's super strength.

Invisibility: I'm sure this is what spies, detectives, sneaky teenagers and suspicious girls with cheating boyfriends dream of at night.

What's Snot: You're just invisible. You can still make noise. Also, being permanently invisible would suck;  being temporarily invisible would confront you with the teeny problem of what to do with your clothes. And you'd have to pay attention to your surroundings all time, else someone might just accidentally stab you with a knife. Also, you couldn't carry anything with you, ever.

Immortality: You have all the time in the world, you don't have to rush anywhere, ever again! And..I honestly don't know what. This one doesn't really appeal to me; a slightly elongated life would be fine because you'd have more time, which equals more fun, but living forever? Meh.

What's Snot: Boredom. Eventually not caring about anything, because its all transient and you'll outlive it all anyway. Also age=experience=cynicism, so you'd be an immortal who hates life, which doesn't really appeal to me.

Super Senses: Another one which doesn't appeal to me much (for the record, the ones I want most are the tele's, invisibility, mind reading and flying, not necessarily in that order). This might be useful to..hear the thief sneak in?

What's Snot:  Are you kidding me? What's not snot? You'd go crazy with all the noise and sights and smells and..touches? TMI taken to a whole new level. Do you really want to be able to hear the bodily functions of your neighbor?

Also, has a similar-but-different list, which I found while 'researching' for this post and which you can find here.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Right Here, Right now

Currently listening to Dirty Dreams by Work Drugs.

Note: Did you know that love making music exists? This be such a track. No, really, picture it. *_*   okay. Maybe you shouldn't.

p.s. I don't know how Sam will react to this.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Right here, Right now.

Currently listening to kids by MGMT
currently obsessed with narcisstic cannibal by korn ft skrillex and kill the noise.
Current status-desperately trying to get some work done.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

No Preaching.

Just a video which brings it home.

You can watch it from 2 minutes onward, if you get bored, though I personally found it nice.


In other news, WE HAVE LABELS NOW! They aren't complete yet, but it's a start!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Helloooo children.

I've always wanted to use that because I remember how epically awesome it sounded in FRIENDS when Chandler used it.
Anyhoo, this post is to notify to you good people that, I, from now on will proof read my posts and capitalize.
:P Hold on... *scrolls up to proof read* Done. *pats self on back*

Okay Imma leave now. Ciao.

This is malko saying maytheforcebewithyou.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Just an update.

As you can see, we've been trying out some new stuff with our blog. Apparently, when the workload becomes bigger, ideas pop into my head. :S Anyhoo, do check out the Hunger Games tab on top. We plan on doing a whole bunch of stuff like that, so if you have any special requests, feel free to tell us by commenting on this post!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Right here Right now

currently listening to- So beautiful by Pete Murray LISTEN TO IT!
current mood- USELESS.


Nick and Joe Jonas sing "Music's in my soul, I can hear it everyday, every night, its the one thing on my mind." 

Well, for me, that line applies, but with words rather than music. If someone asked me what my soul was made of, it would be words. Don't get me wrong, I love music, but words are my thing, maybe because I can actually work with words when I am absolutely mediocre with anything related to music (seriously. I don't know my genres, I can barely read music and I can't play anything except the humble recorder. No, not the tape recorder. The recorder, which, I'd like you to know, happens to be a certified musical instrument. Which takes about a week to learn to play. But still. I can play something! Achievement!)

Anyways. Words. They are what my life is. Reading them, writing them, thinking them..they are always on my mind. We all use words, but..they mean more to me, somehow, than to your average girl on the street. Words are to me what a painting is to an artist, or a song to a musician, or a tool to a worker. They are what I work with, play with, live with. They are what I think with, feel with. I write in my head all the time, even if I promptly forget what I've "written" as soon as I find something to occupy myself with. I feel in words. I put everything around me, in words. I cannot read something without analyzing it in my head, editing it, complimenting it, enjoying it. I cannot write something without wanting to share it (ergo, blog), to know what others think of it (hint, hint), to make others think with it. To have someone love an article I wrote, is heaven for me. I think I write more for others than for myself. Does that make me superficial? Probably. Do I care? No. I like sharing the joy that I get out of it. I like having someone discuss what I wrote. I like changing a perspective, or bringing a smile, because of something that I produced. If I come up with a good idea, a good sentence, I have to share it, somewhere, somehow. If I write something, I have to make it perfect, or at least try to. If I read something and I don't like it, I have to try to make it right, even if only in my head. 

Words are important. They're a form of communication, and, more than that, a form of sharing, of including, of influencing. Words are humble, but powerful. Words are everything. 


And there goes my effort to try to be universal. *sigh*

This is the new shit.

Okay so i was supposed to be working, but instead, I ended up on our lovely blog. I thought it would look much more organized if each post was labelled with the respective authors names, so that it avoids confusion as to who's saying what. Sam doesnt know about this yet, so we'll just find out her reaction later on. :P

we'll still be using our old way of signing off..