Thursday, December 1, 2011


Nick and Joe Jonas sing "Music's in my soul, I can hear it everyday, every night, its the one thing on my mind." 

Well, for me, that line applies, but with words rather than music. If someone asked me what my soul was made of, it would be words. Don't get me wrong, I love music, but words are my thing, maybe because I can actually work with words when I am absolutely mediocre with anything related to music (seriously. I don't know my genres, I can barely read music and I can't play anything except the humble recorder. No, not the tape recorder. The recorder, which, I'd like you to know, happens to be a certified musical instrument. Which takes about a week to learn to play. But still. I can play something! Achievement!)

Anyways. Words. They are what my life is. Reading them, writing them, thinking them..they are always on my mind. We all use words, but..they mean more to me, somehow, than to your average girl on the street. Words are to me what a painting is to an artist, or a song to a musician, or a tool to a worker. They are what I work with, play with, live with. They are what I think with, feel with. I write in my head all the time, even if I promptly forget what I've "written" as soon as I find something to occupy myself with. I feel in words. I put everything around me, in words. I cannot read something without analyzing it in my head, editing it, complimenting it, enjoying it. I cannot write something without wanting to share it (ergo, blog), to know what others think of it (hint, hint), to make others think with it. To have someone love an article I wrote, is heaven for me. I think I write more for others than for myself. Does that make me superficial? Probably. Do I care? No. I like sharing the joy that I get out of it. I like having someone discuss what I wrote. I like changing a perspective, or bringing a smile, because of something that I produced. If I come up with a good idea, a good sentence, I have to share it, somewhere, somehow. If I write something, I have to make it perfect, or at least try to. If I read something and I don't like it, I have to try to make it right, even if only in my head. 

Words are important. They're a form of communication, and, more than that, a form of sharing, of including, of influencing. Words are humble, but powerful. Words are everything. 


And there goes my effort to try to be universal. *sigh*

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