Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas people, and its early because I don't think I'll ever have more Christmas spirit in me than I do right now.

Its that time of the year again! Already :-S But no, fears are not for today. So. Merry Christmas! *smiles widely, radiating Christmas cheer from every tooth* I hope you all find what you're looking for, and get what you deserve and more, and are happy. Thank you, once again, for being a huge part of my happiness, now and ever since you got here.

Love you all,

Well, me, mostly, but I'm pretty sure Malko agrees.

Here are some pictures for you.

This is a happy, content ball, my "joy to the world" picture.

This is a happy penguin.

This is just happiness.

And this is me right now.
Well, not literally, but, ya'know. Metaphorically speaking. If the sun was shining and I was that girl and someone was there to take a picture at that moment when I did that, if I did that.



  1. the "happy content ball" is THE cutest picture EVER!!!

  2. Haha, its one of my favorites too! =)
