Because honestly, it isn't that great a world. If every single human being on the planet died, I think it would be a much, much better place. Because the way we're living, we don't deserve to live. Whether it be the wild jungle, or the concrete one, its still survival of the fittest. We can call ourselves civilized and human as many times as we want, but the truth is, animals are probably a hell lot more "humane" than we are. At least they don't lie. At least they don't deceive. At least they're honest. Even if its a fox, or a coyote or a vulture, at least its honest about its dishonesty and cunning-ness. They live together or in isolation, help each other or eat their young, at least you know where you stand with them. They kill because they have to, survive on inter-dependence and cos-existence, we whatever we want to, and try to (and do) get away with it. At least they're honest.We, on the other hand, are not. There is not a single person on the face of this planet whom you don't know absolutely intimately that you can trust. And sometimes, you can't even trust them. Most rapes and kidnaps take place with the help of "trusted" friends or family. We've created this beautiful facade, where we all pretend to be kind and generous and sympathetic and Christian in our behavior, but how many of us really are? We sit and we criticize and we cry and we preach about starving orphans in Africa; what do we do about it? We're divided by every single possible thing in this world. Race, religion, country, color, caste, creed, it, and its a divide among humans. We speak about environmental problems and go and print a dozen flyers. We hold summits and spend the entire time arguing over what other people should do, how much they should pay, rather than thinking of what we can do. We take the microscopic minority of a group, a nation, any group, any nation, and make them representative of the whole. A few obvious examples- a Muslim planned 9/11, ergo, all Muslims are secretly planning to kill you. The American government interfered where it shouldn't have, ergo all Americans are bad, selfish hypocrites. An Australian behaved in a racist way, ergo all Australians are racists.
Really? I mean, really? You could know my parents since their childhood, know them inside out, but you still wouldn't know me, because I'm a different person, an individual. And if my parents can't give you any insight into who I am, what I am, how the hell can you judge me on what one of a million of my countrymen did dozens of years ago?!
I don't claim to have answers. I don't claim to be perfect. I've never donated for Africa and I've judged people on a minute's meeting. I'm just as prejudiced and evil as the next person. All I know is-I don't think we ever grow up, or learn anything. Sure, we speak a little better, dress it all up a little better, and sure, the stakes are a lot higher, but in the end, we're all little five year olds. Fighting with a sibling over the remote, fighting with the Israelis for Jerusalem. Quarreling over who gets the bigger room, starting World War 2 for a little bit of land. Thinking your mom favors the other kid, thinking the world is conspiring against you. We're masters at victimizing ourselves, at putting up these beautiful facades to make everything seem the way we want it to seem.If Hitler had won, we'd probably accept that the Holocaust was brilliant just as we accept all the other trash fed to us today. Governments, politicians, the media. How do we trust any of them? How do we know who's bad, and who's good? Is anyone good? We're civilized, we're globalized, but in the end, its just each man for himself. You might sympathize over a friend's pain, but you'll cry over your own. You might give someone a buck, but you wouldn't mind stealing someone else's job to earn ten thousand. You might be nice, but you'll never be nicer to anyone more than yourself, not your wife, not your kids, not your mother. We're literally animals. And that is why we're humans. And that is why the world should end.
~A Very Disillusioned (and majorly incoherent, I'm sorry if I couldn't get my point across very well) Sam
PS- I attribute the above post entirely to PMS which got me disillusioned and depressed, and hearing about Jullian Assange's extradition-thing, which got me started on the whole, "How do we know even Assange isn't secretly a selfish rapist-liar?" train of thought, which led me to this.