Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our Forefathers Were Wise

Finally some time to write! One of the few advantages of falling sick, I suppose.

Anyway. I was thinking the other day, the older I get, the more I realize that all those maxims we've been hearing since we were little children-knowledge is power, a bird in hand is better than two in the bush, etc, etc-they're all so true.

  • Knowledge is power. The more dirt you have on someone, the easier it is to blackmail them into doing something for you, as my friends have demonstrated time and again. 
  • Ignorance is bliss. You were perfectly content with your life until you saw that new Guess bag which just came out, and learned of its existence, and all of a sudden, the world became a darker place. Or until you found out about that surprise test or whatever. 
  • A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, as Wormtail so wonderfully showed us. [If you don't get that reference, you don't deserve to be here. Or you could, you know, just comment and ask me to explain. Or just find yourself some time to read one of the greatest series ever written.]
  • A penny saved is a penny earned. Which, in today's world, just translates to "A pound not gained is a pound lost", which everyone knows is the truth. 
  • A golden key can open any door-is there anyone on this planet who can't be bribed somehow or the other into doing something? 
  • A leopard cannot change its spots, and I'm yet to meet a reformed bitch (screw trying to be PG-13).
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as that mismatched couple living down any street can attest to. Also, why would he leave Jennifer to marry Angelina? Why, Brad, why?!  Ditto 'love is blind'. 
  • You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. You can ground me, but you can't make me work. 
  • When in Rome, do as Romans do. And don't wear miniskirts in the Middle East. (Again, no offence meant to anyone of any religion or faith. Just an example.)
  • Two heads are better than one. Ever heard of the Hydra? Even today, the word is used for any un-resolvable problem. 
  • Truth is stranger than fiction. THEY WERE MARRIED FOR 72 DAYS! SEVENTY. TWO. DAYS!
  • There's an exception to every rule. Including sanity, apparently. 
  • The female of the species is deadlier than the male. A line from a poem, and I have but one word to say to this-mosquitoes. 
  • Make hay while the sun shines. And don't ask your mom for permission to go to that party when she's busy working, or is pissed at someone. 
I could go on like this forever, but I think I've made my point. Which is..sometimes, old people can be right. And lame-sounding stuff can be true. 



  1. I really enjoyed this post! Coupla reasons: one.you reaffirm my dwindling faith that people today can and do write proper English and two. some of these were laugh out loud funny.

  2. Thank you! So much! And thank you for saying it, instead of just keeping it to yourself :) Its nice to know that at least someone is listening to all my "please comment" pleas.
