Saturday, June 16, 2012

Just another apology (and a reblog, sort of).

Yeah, we suck, we're sorry. We have no excuse either, except..did you know, if you reach far enough and fast enough, you can actually see the temple being built around you in Temple Run? =O

Anyway, this is a beautiful poem by a beautiful friend of mine that I came across the other day. One of the best I've ever read. Do feel free to comment if you enjoyed it.

Do you know this feeling? 
When you're sitting in your balcony, 
Watching the first rain,
(But not alone.
Not really. 
The whole universe is watching this sight with you.) 
And you are the perfect degree of wetness. 
Just enough for the cool wind blowing,
To feel icy-cold,
Not enough to go inside and write a poem.
And the raindrops dance in these intricate patterns,
And you think of surface tension,
(And perhaps, if you're particularly poetic,
You think of the tension between human beings.)
And you see the lightning,
And you think of love and how ruin is so beautiful,
And you think about how fast the clouds are fleeing,
And you know they are going where you are,
(But they aren't, really.
They have to go north and you are going south,
Because we all of us can go only to the place,
Where we are meant to be.)
And if your new hair cut can't survive this deluge,
You don't really care,
You sit there anyway.
Because you know that feeling,
Of watching the first rain,
On a June evening,
From your balcony,
(But not alone)
And the perfect degree of wetness.

~My dear friend Sakhi. 


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