It's been...a strange month, though not much has happened. I didn't keep a running list of favourites, because everything was so mundanely, continually happy or extraordinarily terrible that I didn't know what to write. I suppose...I suppose my favourites this month were my friends, at home and here, Jackass, my family. Texting my brother more than I think I ever have, and my cousin. Dilly dallying! Emailing Cookie, as always. Working on my Journal, though my bullet journal kind of took a back seat this month (resurrection attempts are already on, however). Long walks in the beautiful bracing weather (before it all got sunless and gloomy and I woke up to rain and a leak in my motivation that I couldn't afford to have), and strangely amazing food combinations (kebabs and chilli cheese maggi, perhaps with some green Lays? Outstanding). Chicken bhartha and tandoori roti on campus. Finally wearing my high tops, after years of being too lazy to wear any kind of footwear which required me to strap or lace it. Beautiful new footwear- God bless strappy sandals, truly. The Cat randomly coming into my room to hug me tight, and paint my nails, and talk about her rage vortex over Sansa's character development. The Good Wife! Wearing my new heels for the first time, if only for a random exam. Prepping my witness for that exam! My plaid shirt and my white skirt. Successfully (though perhaps "non-disastrously" would be a more appropriate description) trimming my bangs. My bangs and my green hair! Danish, and Shakespeare and justice. Poring over presents with Doobie. Chill scenes with Dia and green apple, King's and Cards Against Humanity. The scenes *after* that. My star-shaped earrings, even though I lost one (I am clearly not destined to have star-shaped jewellery in my life). Experimental online clothes ordering (though I'm yet to see how that will pan out). Freshmenu, and finally finding food on it I (occasionally) like! Oh, my earphones- the first earphones I've ever actually cared about (I usually just buy the first cheap pair I find, because I have an un-discerning ear- or so I thought, before I briefly used a pair of nice ones and was ruined forever). Nagarjuna, and happy fun. That moment when I found my earphones inside my umbrella, after I thought I'd lost them forever. Jackass.
...okay, that is a longer list than I had expected- it always amazes me how many things I find I have to be thankful for when I actually think about them, how much happiness goes by unnoticed. So I guess I'm glad I have this to make me take notice, haphazard as it may all have been this month.
Thank you, all of you.
...okay, that is a longer list than I had expected- it always amazes me how many things I find I have to be thankful for when I actually think about them, how much happiness goes by unnoticed. So I guess I'm glad I have this to make me take notice, haphazard as it may all have been this month.
Thank you, all of you.