I knew an April once. She introduced me to the concept of deodorant as something different from perfume, and asked me to sniff her armpits as proof of its effectiveness. She didn't seem to understand why I declined, and spent the rest of the year making fun of my lack of deodorizing with her friend Ryan. I didn't like that April very much. This April, however, was happiness incarnate.
- Finally celebrating my employment, with an impulsive brunch (which the traffic turned into lunch) which led to some impulsive shopping (where others shopped and I exercised restraint and was proud of myself) because nobody wanted to go back, which led to impulsive drinks and an inordinately intense game of taboo (we won!), which for some reason I never remember how much I like, at a brilliant place which has chalkboard tables you can actually draw on, and loud music and fans spraying mist on you. Oh, and donuts. Donuts were an important part of this celebration.
- Air conditioning, whenever and wherever I could find it.
- FABRIC SOFTENER. The only thing I didn't like about the washing machine was how my clothes came out cardboard-stiff, and fabric softener, the sweet-smelling saviour, fixed even that. Being able to stay on top of my laundry needs feels GREAT.
- Warm apple cake with toffee sauce and vanilla ice cream, and peri peri chicken which technically didn't belong to me; and chicken lababdar pizza, and cheesecake with a brownie bonanza smoothie poured on top, and an impossible to eat goan prawn curry pad thai, half of which ended up spattered on the table.
- A hot dress which made me want to sway my hips like never before (thanks, sparkykitty!) and high heels. (Okay, maybe not so much the high heels. I seem to have forgotten how to walk in them.)
- Home. My heart went home, after a long, long year, and it was better than I had ever imagined. All of the plans were topsy-turvy, but I ended up doing everything I had planned anyway, even if not in the way I had planned. Special shout out to colouring and cute Asian dinner date with the marshmallow, and feelsy sleepovers, (accidental) second base and prank calling with pretty much my two oldest, closest peeps. Also to that first happy evening with Malko and Neelz. Sea salt caramel cupcake, I will never forget you.
- FINALLY getting a good shopping deal! Whenever I have something specific in mind that I want to buy, I end up finding and buying the most expensive (and not even necessarily the best) version of it available. It SUCKS when I realize I could have bought something better for cheaper, if I had ever found it in this lifetime. So when I went to what I remembered as a fairly expensive store, just to window shop, I didn't have much hope- but then I ended up finding the white short skirt of my dreams, and a bonus straight cut black formal dress for about half of what would be a reasonable price, and a third of what I would have been willing to pay for them. I'm still reeling, waiting for something to go wrong, but mostly my heart just will not stop grinning widely.
- Exercising self-restraint and NOT buying those nice and comfortable but not perfect and a little too expensive black heels.
- Tangerine touch, and the realisation that orange lip tint can look great.
- Biryani and aloo rice. All of the hearts.
- #srstalks with the Jackass. Clarity, stability, and finally, some hope.
- Dooshi in Bangalore! Discovering that one of my favourite dinner places doesn't do breakfast too bad either, finally remembering to take a picture, childhood reminiscing and strict-parent empathising.
- Piyu Behrupiya, a Hindi adaptation of Twelfth Night. I understood about a third of it (my Hindi skills are...questionable), and loved all of it.
- 9:00 p.m. walks.
- Malibu. <3