Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015: Note to Self

I made a bunch of resolutions last year. I lived up to most of them for about half the year, give or take a bit, and then failed miserably when everything fell apart at the end. But one of my resolutions last year was to try to be more optimistic, and in that spirit, here are some resolutions for next year! Though they're more like...notes to myself. Whatever, here goes:

  1. Emotional stability: Keep your chill. Keep your chill. Keep your chill. With regard to work, relationships, life, everything. This year is probably gonna be hella cray. Keep your chill.
  2. Health: Less ordering junk food. More sleeping (preferably at night). More running. You like running. You like early mornings. Do the math and put them together and get off your lazy bum and make yourself happier.
  3. Try more new things. You did that a bit this year; it didn't always work out. Keep trying. 
  4. Read at least fifty books. Stop feeling sad that you've gone from a book a day to hopefully fifty this year; you're not twelve anymore, and life is different.
  5. Watch at least twenty of the movies on your laptop. And at least two of the many many TV shows you've been meaning to.
  6. Minimize procrastination. I don't know how. Do it.
  7. Write.
  8. Learn to save. Save money to spend on things you actually like. Regain that self-control everyone used to praise.
  9. Try to put yourself out there.
  10. Stop excelling at convincing people you're fine when you're not and then being mad at them for falling for it and treating you like you're fine instead of showering you with love and attention.
  11. Take your own advice. 
  12. Be okay with failing. Even at all of these. Treat yo self!
  13. Grow as a human being. A lot happened this year. You didn't always (mostly) handle it well. Next year, try for more empathy. Less neediness. More awareness that bad things will happen and you need to get better at handling them. "I can't handle this shit, I did nothing to deserve this" will get you nowhere. 
  14. Try to drop your phone less. And have a better reaction than squealing and covering your mouth with your hands every time it happens. 
  15. Most of all, remember how hopeful and optimistic about everything you are right now, and treasure this feeling, and keep it alive. 
Iloveyouall, thank you for being a part of my life, take care of yourselves. I'll go work now. :D

Smiles and hugs,


  1. Though you've written this more as a note to yourself, I guess it'd be really fantastic if a lot of other people who haven't made any concrete resolutions yet read this and copy it in their minds and apply it for themselves too. Keep going, girl, this is inspirational :D
