Friday, May 2, 2014

April Favourites

1. Feels. This has, for some reason, been a month of intense boyfriend feels and binging on uber-romantic songs hasn't really helped. I don't know if this is a favourite: it's more just a beautiful, painful thing that happened, though the songs were nice I suppose. This post from The Strangers Project only made things worse-though it was amazing to know that such things exist outside of my head as well.

2. TIC TAC! I love tic tac, and keep forgetting about its existence for extended periods of time, until I see it sitting innocuously by some cash counter and pounce on it with all my might, and then proceed to eat a box in an hour. Whatever, moderation is overrated anyway.

3. My wifi now functions on my phone well enough to do more than send one whatsapp message an hour. This is amazing.

4. Talking to old friends. This is always a yay activity, and this time was no different. I love you guys. ^_^

5. The weather improved, somewhat. YAY RAINS. Rain? Rains?

6. Introspection and stuff. What am I doing with my life? Is this really how I want to live my life? Do I really not want to make stereotypical stupid college mistakes? The introspection bit itself was kind of sucky, but it was preceded and followed by some nice bonding moments, so I think it deserves a spot here.

7. Going back to hyperboleandahalf and reading some old posts I hadn't yet read.

8. Continued sense of accomplishment, from continued overload of work.

9. Some things I wished for in one of my earlier posts actually kind of came true in some distant part of the world!


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