Friday, July 5, 2013


Not one of my better pieces, but it's been a while since I posted, so here you go.

Opinions matter. Opinions reflect perspectives, and perspectives matter immensely. It’s easy to say that someone has the wrong opinion-that wanting to kill a lot of people for a cause is the wrong opinion, since you don’t think that is a valid cause, or you don’t believe violence achieves anything-but that judgment is still an opinion. And to the other person, their opinion is still valid.

It's opinions which shape the world. People don’t decide based on an ‘objective’ understanding of the situation and the most rational solution. (What is objectivity, what is rationality?) They choose their understanding and their solution, whether they understand that or not. Terrorists don’t believe they’re doing wrong (I would assume)-they are simply trying to fix what they perceive as a problem in what they perceive is the most effective way. The same way freedom fighters do, or the goverment, or the police.

So when you raise someone with an opinion-think about what you’re unleashing into the world.


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