Saturday, March 31, 2012

An Ode To Boredom

Boredom is when you sit and stare at the screen and speak along with every single Big Bang Theory dialogue just because you have nothing better to do.
Boredom is watching Leonard and Sheldon play around in the ball pen while dreaming about Chinese takeaway.
Boredom is Googling Chuck Lorre because you need to see what the guy who created Big Bang looks like. [He looks like Al Pacino btw. Creepily like Al Pacino.]
Boredom is when you watch the same ads on the same channel over and over again because the remote is too far away, and you're too lazy to check what else is on anyway.
Boredom is when you go back to old blog posts and randomly start writing because the laptop was in front of you and you finally got tired of ads.
Boredom is blankness. Boredom is trying to remember what Macbeth said about sleep. Boredom is staring at your facebook page waiting for something to happen.
Boredom is Googling "troglodyte" because Sheldon said it and you didn't know what it meant, and because it was something to do. [PS: It means "caveman".]
Boredom is stalking Dan Bergstein repetitively, even though you know nothing new has happened since five minutes ago because he, unlike you, probably has a life.
Boredom is writing an ode on boredom.
Boredom is this.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Never Say No To Panda!

Sorry, I'm desperate to blog so I'm just going to keep posting videos until I find something to say.

Credits: My Noodle-Cat ^_^


Saturday, March 24, 2012


I've come across a lot of deep stuff the past few days. Very enlightening, very hope-giving. Here's some of it:



Do you know that feeling when you wish and dream and hope and desire for something so much that you feel like it’s slowly killing you from the inside? When every great thing that happens in your life does not seem great enough? When you feel a void in your life even when you’re on your feet and your hands are full 24/7?
Do you know that feeling when no matter how perfect people perceive your life to be,your mind keeps thinking “All that glitters is not gold” in a loop? When you’re convinced that the life you want will never be the life you get? When the sky is ablaze with beauteous sunlight but all you notice is the vexing heat? When no amount of comedy sitcoms are able to make you laugh?
Do you know that feeling when the one person you are willing go to the end of the world-to the end of time itself-for is the one person whose identity is withheld from you by destiny? Or when you’re convinced you have found the one you’re meant to spend the rest of you life with but that person is completely oblivious to your existence? When you’ve realised that the opposite of love is not hatred,it’s indifference? When all you wish for is to be noticed just once? When all you wish for is just a second look? When all you wish for is one chance?
Do you?
The Spirit

What is essential for the survival of a man is an indomitable spirit.
Ever since I can remember,I’ve been this kind of girl who randomly stares off into space and people would ask me what I was thinking or worrying or dreaming about. Well for the most part I just dream about what I’m going to do when I starting earning my own money and the exotic places I’m going to visit and the guy I’m going to fall in love with. Up until a while back,I was convinced that my dreams would just remain that-dreams. Every grand plan that I made was always suffixed with “As if that’s ever going to happen.” First,I just wrote off everything to destiny and convinced myself that if something is meant to happen,it will. Then,as time went by,I convinced myself that none of my dreams  are ever going to come true and signed it all off to reality.
Then,an epiphany happened. One night I was helping my mom out with dinner and I just thought aloud,”I want to see London someday.” And she replied,with a snort of derision,”Get real. If something has to happen,it will. That’s when realised. I thought to myself,”Who is my mom to say that it’s not going to happen? Who is ANYBODY to say that it’s not going to happen?”
I accepted the fact that I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. And neither does anyone else. “Realistic” people are convinced that everything that has been or has not been happening will remain unchanged and that dreaming only leads to disappointment. But then what kind of living is that?
I want to travel the world. It’s too big for me to not go wandering around in it. And I’m the only one who can help me in fulfilling my dream. Who is to say that I won’t? And even if someone does,I have to uphold my conviction that I can do whatever I want with my life. I have to make my own destiny. And ever since I’ve realised that,the future seems like a brighter place. To keep it that way,I have to turn a deaf ear to the people who say that I can’t and preserve my indomitable spirit.

From: Anonymous

The truth is, average people aren't happy. Look at it this way.

What do you do with a life? You think, you do, you feel.

What makes a person average? Average thinking, average doing, average feeling.

These people are not happy, because they are average.

They care about things that only immediately affect them, they don't think with effort.
They don't do the things they want to do, they are afraid,
Their emotions are average too.

They will love, but their love will be selfish, it will be for comfort, for shelter, from all the things that they are afraid of, from all the things that will affect them because of their lack of wisdom.

They will be loved for the same reasons too. Because love requires understanding, and only another average person will understand them.

Wouldn't you rather be someone who thinks harder? Not only about the things that are, but things that will be. Things that will not only affect you, but also others around you. 

Wouldn't you rather be someone who has ambition? Not only to do the things that you have to do, but want to do. Things that will not only help you, but also others around you.

Wouldn't you rather love someone to share your hopes and dreams with, and help each other in achieving them, or indeed achieving them together? And not because they want someone to comfort and shelter them, so that they can feel okay? The same way you would have wanted if you were average.

Oh, and ignorance is not bliss. 
Ignorance is having an infatuation with the star cheerleader in school because you don't know about the absolute angel who lives down the street. 
It's Transformers 3 being your favourite movie because you didn't know about Inception.
It's being preoccupied with movies and seeking attention from the cheerleader when nations are corrupt, and constantly at war. 
It's about thinking these problems are important because you didn't know about Anthropogenic Global Warming.

Ignorance will almost certainly be the reason that you deprived yourself of life’s greatest pleasures and indulged in stupid, trivial things that come at a great cost, for your whole life. And it will also certainly lead to your ruin.

If a little logic and reasoning is utilised, the fact that striving to be more and knowledge/wisdom are very much intertwined, becomes clear. 


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Clowns and life sized figures.

Isn't it weird how when we were kids, we used to love life sized figures of mickey mouse and Pluto and take pictures with them at Disneyland; and now, they creep you out?
Ever since i was a kid, clowns always creeped me out, but i loved mickey and Minnie and other life sized Disney characters at Disneyland. Now, I avoid them. Freaky much?

Sam Winchester is scared of clowns. (Yay. I'm watching the latest episodes!)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I hate. (Now without the four letter words)

Warning: The following post is (UPDATE: used to be) filled with profanity, angst, profanity, hatred and profanity. I don't usually condone swearing, or like it, but extreme provocation (read: a pointless exercise conducted in a very pissed-off sun, coupled with stress and PMS) provides for extremely provoked language. Anyway, read at your own discretion and for God's sake don't leave messed up comments for me.

I hate. I hate the sun, the fact that its a frickin hundred degrees outside, the fact that the stupid weather is so stupidly annoying.
I hate people, stupid, empty, meaningless, shallow, superficial people with no consideration for others, who can't even do the  jobs they're paid to do properly.
I hate yelling. I hate having to yell. I hate stupid dumb blank stares with the heat rushing through your veins. I hate blinding red hot rage.I hate that I'm talking like this.
I hate traffic jams and fifteen minute jobs taking one and a  half hours.
I hate the fact that the hot dog and momo stand behind my house shut and went away.
 I hate the fact that people are so hard to read, so hard to trust. I hate that perfect freaks don't exist in my universe.
I hate the internet screwing with me.
I hate prying stranger-acquaintances.
I hate short tempered hormonal women. I hate being a short tempered hormonal woman. I ' hate hormones.
I hate that the stupid drummer next door doesn't realize that there are people living near by who can hear him who have lives which they'd rather live without a constant bang bang bang as background music. I hate the fact that he doesn't even have the courtesy to be freakin' hot if he's going to be drumming away all the time.
I hate work, sleep deprivation, expectations, judgement, all that jazz.
I hate anger and slamming doors and loud voices.
I hate that I have to password protect everything just to get some privacy. (Okay, that's not exactly true, but whatever. UPDATE: That is now true.).
I hate the words "everything is fine". I hate people who ask you how you are when they don't give a damn about anything except their stupid new car or whatever. I hate stupid social conventions.
I hate the fact that people make stuff up in their head about you without knowing a thing about your life. I hate the fact that when you say you're worried they don't understand that you're worried.
"Oh Sam? Yeah, she's fine, just perfect. What does she have to get scared about?" I hate that.
I hate the fact that I'm so unsure of everything. 
I hate the fact that society thinks that women are some fragile little flowers that need to be protected all the frickin' time. I hate the fact that half the people who think that about their women are the ones who go fuck with other women. I hate the stupid, hypocritical world that we live in. I hate that the sunshine and rainbows are so overshadowed by the stress and mud.
I just..hate. And I hate that I hate.


Saturday, March 17, 2012


Helloooo, my pretty little popsicles!
Its been a while since I saw you, and I'm not here to see you now. I'm sorry, but I still haven't been able to come up with anything I'd like to say. This post is just to tell y'all that Malko has been a hiding a secret blog from us (, home of awesome pictures and gifs.

So if you can't access this blog for whatever reason, you can find her there. And me from there, somewhere.
That's all for now!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Yeah,I'm alive.

Hello! I know haven't been posting much, I promise, after 26th I'll post everyday(as long as I have something to blog about). I've been really busy. I actually had something substantial for you guys but it's in my notebook(not the software kind. It's quite dark and moody and long. I think I'll post it soon; although I'm not really sure how the response will be.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Women's Day.

Its women's day!
Here are a few songs which suit the occasion.
Lightening crashes-Live Listen
Daughters-John MayerListen

Two Great tracks.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Das Auto

Because I love this ad.


Dear Environment People,

Who do you think you're kidding? No, really. You think you can convince us to go out and look for jute bags when we have plastic right in front of us, to give $5 to Greenpeace instead of buying diamonds, to think about 50 years from now instead of tonight?

Dream on.

Have you even thought about what you're dealing with?

We're the race who needs to be threatened with punitive action to follow even the simplest rules-meant to protect our own lives-and even that we don't always do. Why would we care to fulfill voluntary agreements?

We're the race who skips red lights because reaching a meeting in time is more important than the prospective loss of lives of half a dozen people. Why would we care about the consequences of brushing with the tap on?

We're the race who spends more each year on war than on welfare. Why would we try to save?

We're the race who votes people into power and forgets all about the bigger picture for the next 4 years. Why would we take any responsibility on ourselves, when we can foist it off on them?

We're the race who doesn't study until the night before the exam. Why would we think about the long-term?

We're the race who lies, steals, and kills.
We're the race on top of the evolutionary pyramid.
And we're the race who doesn't care.

So stop wasting your breath. It won't make a difference. We all know all the things that are going wrong, whats going to happen-we're all aware enough. We just don't care.

Because who would rather think about the life of their future grandkids than their next date?


PS: Because it apparently wasn't obvious enough-the above post is 100% sarcastic. I strongly believe in being eco-friendly and the above post was just me venting about how much people seem to say and how little do.

Also, because I loved the way that the person who commented below phrased this:

"If you say you shouldn't care about the future, and live in the present-blah. Just blah. If you believe that, then why exactly are you studying to build a career? Why do you have insurance? Why do you dream about a perfect guy whom you would meet in the future?
I don't mean to offend. I just want to say-care for others. Stop and look around you once in a while. If everybody says, "Why should I do this," who would actually do it? Do your bit. Don't ignore it. Don't keep taunting nature. It will, one day, get tired.
Just care. You won't lose anything."