Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hola there, pretty people! Its been so long since I've talked to you! Or maybe not very long at all--time seems to be moving so inconsistently these days. Anyhow, you might have noticed some changes on the blog recently, those are  because I was jobless and trying to make it Pretty and Appealing, but I didn't want one of those convoluted designs that look pretty and then end up giving you a headache, so I just chose this one, which has an added advantage of letting you pick which way you want to see the posts (i.e., in a classic, flipcard, magazine, mosaic, sidebar, snapshot or timeline format). Whoo, long sentence!

Anyways. I use "anyways" a lot, don't I? Oh well.

Getting to the's Ten Day You Challenge Topic Thingamabobby is..

Nine Loves.

  1. Friends, family, blah blah blah. You can fill this one in on your own, I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about. Your friends and your family, the ones who keep you going, the foundation of your skyscraper.You might occasionally want to murder them, but you will always love them.
    Getting down to the actual stuff now...
  2. Books! I love a good book almost more than anything in this world; interrupting me when I'm engrossed in one is one of the many things that'll make me snap at you. Sitting on the floor in a nice cozy corner alone in my room, or maybe on a window seat while its raining outside, with a good book and a cup of steaming, thick hot chocolate is pretty much my idea of paradise. Simple girl, I is. 
  3. Those perfect moments. The ones where everything is just right, where everything is Absolutely Perfect. You're not PMS-ing, no one else is hormonal or pissed off, the world seems to be covered in a soft sunlit glow and you're surrounded by the people you love, perfectly happy and content. It doesn't matter what you're doing or where you are, its just that inner peace that you're all feeling, all at the same time, so that life seems like a miracle and the world a heaven. 
  4. Chocolate. Be it in the form of actual chocolate or in the form of ice cream, cake, brownies, or anything else for that matter, I adore it. Forget adore, I bloody well worship it! Chocolate has to be a sin--nothing can exist on this earth be that faultless. 
  5. People. Those wonderful, wonderful people who make you think that maybe humanity doesn't suck after all. The ones's who will stop for that woman crying on the street. The ones who sacrifice, even if its only a little sacrifice, for others. The ones who're usually not known to us, and live their life in oblivion, but the ones who deserve more love than all the Jack Sparrows and Hugh Jackmans of the world combined.
    People. Those amazing people whom you can vent to and rant at and who will just take it all, and not hate you, and will listen. And, more importantly, keep it to themselves. 'Tis hard to find people like that in this world, yes sir it is. 
  6. My phone. I'm sorry, you were probably expecting something more profound to follow that last point, but that thing is the reason I'm still sane. I would probably have killed myself a long time ago if I'd had to survive all those long nights of studying without its consoling and sympathetic presence. Also, Brickbreaker is probably the best distraction in the world. Seriously. 
  7. Getting my own way (without being made to feel guilty about it-it doesn't matter if you beat up your little brother to get the remote control and watch Big Bang Theory or whatever, but feel guilty the entire time you're watching it). And no, don't look at me like that, I know you like this too. You can't be human and not like it. 
  8. MUSIC! That wonderful, beautiful, haunting, heartbreaking, smile-making music which just conveys everything that you're feeling so eloquently, so beautifully, that you feel that it must have been written by you yourself in some other life, for how could any one know what you're feeling so precisely, so accurately. Music that opens up your mind to new vistas, new stories, new lives and new loves without making you move a step. Music that takes you farther than any airplane or spaceship ever could. Music that makes your life, a life. 
  9. Myself, occasionally. And no, that does not make me a narcissist, even though narcissism literally means being in love with yourself. I do love myself, because I can't have lived with myself for so many years without doing that. Imagine spending your life with someone you don't love-its horrifying! And since I have to spend my entire life with myself, and since I'm not really into masochism, the least I could do is turn myself into a person that I love at least occasionally. 
~Sincerely Hoping That That Made Sense, Sam.

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