Thursday, July 31, 2014

July Favourites

It's been a long, happy month (except the last week, that kind of sucked) of simple pleasures and awesome new experiences; spontaneous, impulsive decisions, largely consisting of unplanned hours of unproductivity and happiness. Though I really must get back to the working life.

1. MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING! Incredible slowly, but it's comin'!

2. Hot chocolate and cardigan weather. <3 This amazing white crop sweater I saw someone wearing, with NERD written on the front in pink or red or something. So simple, so attractive. My new long blue skirt. Long skirts, generally. Watching "Begin Again"! I love that movie. And its soundtrack. God bless ya, Noelly, for telling me about it. Other good songs, generally. Playing childhood games and just..being happy with friends. It's all one needs, really. And also childhood music. I listened to Hilary Duff again after like five years and relived that entire phase and it was so nostalgic and happy. And Jesse McCartneyso much Jesse Mccartney, and Enrique Iglesias and Ricky Martin and The Ketchup Song! Ah, youth. :')

3. Baby love! It started with cooing over adorable footballer babies (seriously have you even seen Thiago Messi's cheeks what are they), and then I spent a happy afternoon hour playing with a random one year old my friends and I found near her house. She was so delighted with the simple act of throwing a pencil away and getting it fetched back for her, the cute little destructive dictator, it was adorable. And then called me the vernacular word for elder sister and I just melted. Baby ^_^

4.  We redid our room, and I finally have a mattress on the floor, thus fulfilling my lifelong dream and aspiration (I will now stop calling it that, I swear). Also I have a view of my desk from my spot on the bed, which is nice. There's something about looking at a desk and a chair which appeals to me. That, and pictures of pathways leading to pretty places. Anyway, desk in question is surrounded by various memorabilia I've collected over the past couple years, so that's nice too. And I can finally see my posters from this end of the room! They're on the wall on what used to be my side of the room, except I usually had my back to that wall and so never really got to appreciate them. Man, I have good taste. And we finally got rid of the bunk bed (which is never something I thought I'd want to do, but whatever), and our room is now unbelievably bright. And so much homelier!  Yay!

5. I went karaoke-ing (?) for the first time in my life, and IT WAS SO AMAZING I LOVE IT! I even sang! With the mic a safe distance from my discordant voice, of course, we wanted to have fun, not scar people.

6. I participated in a reading of the play Baklavia, by D.M Larson, available here, which was so much fun! The play itself is awesome-about a pastry factory which declares itself a new country because the government has increased taxes-and reading out the parts in character was crazy fun. I played Clenious, a strange cousin who sings a lot- the strangeness I could handle, the singing was horrible, but it was an amazing experience in general, lots of laughing and innuendoes and happiness, so it didn't even matter that I didn't know any tunes. I fully intend to audition the next time a play is staged here; let's hope it works out!

7. The month got a little less awesome towards the end because I felt like a fail person in life for a number of reasons and was generally emo and needy. Getting quick reassurances from my friends that I was an awesome person (no idea why I even doubted it) was amazing. Special shout out to Anne for the call (and generous spending of balance :P), Elly for the timely "hi" and for generally listening to my ranting so much this week, and to my Empathy Horses for the Korean hand heart and the animal smileys and the "of course you're awesome what is wrong with you" and the general love. Thanks, you guys. You're the best. <3 #goop

Much love,
Note to self: Find and use synonyms for amazing. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Unsolicited Advice [A Work in Progress]

Be honest.
And be genuine-
Two different, important things.
Be unapologetic,
I repeat: be unapologetic,
Except where you feel you have done wrong.
Then apologise and move on.
Be strong.
And that means crying and calling for help
When you need to.
Be self-assured,
Because no amount of beauty or wit
Can match the knowledge that their judgement does not matter.
Be free.
But remember the soul of liberty is in its restrictions.
And stop putting yourself down before anyone else can.
Because no one can truly put you down except you.
Think and laugh and breathe and cry
For life is short and you won't even know it till it's over.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014


This is not very well written but I love my mom and she deserves a poem okay.

She'll tut at my long nails and coloured hair,
And worry for five whole minutes about a safety pin poking me.
She'll sing disgusting old songs to get me out of bed
And call my six foot four inch brother her little baby.
It'll pinch like betrayal the first time she leaves me alone,
But she'll take even my hate if that's what's needed to prepare me for this world.
Though who am I kidding- I could never hate her,
(No matter how I might rant and rave that she doesn't understand,
That she never understood)
She'll always be my home.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Look, a Liebster! [Incomplete]

[This is incomplete; Malko hasn't answered the questions and we haven't nominated other bloggers or asked them questions, but this post has been sitting in my drafts box so long, I'm tired of looking at it.]

Hi everyone. ^_^
We got a blog-award-thingy! Called a Liebster! From an actual person we do not know but who appreciates our writing and follows our blog anyway! Woohoo! Thank you so much for giving this to us. :)

A bit of info about the award: It's given by bloggers, to bloggers, specifically,those with less than 200 followers. The nominated bloggers need to answer a few questions asked by the nominator, and in turn give the award (and ask questions) to ten other bloggers. The questions we were asked are:

1. Who is your favourite author?
Sam: Argh, I can't pick one. Not even inside my head. But off the top of my head, I've recently really appreciated Gillian Flynn, Douglas Adams, John Green and Markus Zusak. 

2. Why do you have a blog?
Sam: Mainly because I enjoy writing, and this allows me to pen down thoughts which I consider worth preserving, and which would otherwise have flitted in and out of my head unrecorded. Also for venting purposes, and trying to figure out my head. 

3. What's your favourite word?
Sam: I *suck* at favourite questions. Absolutely suck at them. To prove how impossible it is for me to answer this question: my friends and I once made a list of all the words we really, really like. It was hundreds of words long. I CANNOT PICK ONE. But thank you for reminding me of that memory. :') 

4. Which one would you prefer-school or college?
Sam: Grade 11 and 12 have been the best years of my life so far. So I suppose I would pick school, at this point. 

5. Which fictional character inspires you the most?
Sam: Ah, good question. ...which is a nice way of saying that I don't have an answer. I will think about this deeply and get back to you, though (if I remember to). 

6. Which real-life figure inspires you the most?
Sam: I actually had thought of a really inspiring person the other day, but I forgot who it was so I guess s/he didn't have that much of an influence after all. I'm more inspired by qualities-love, loyalty, kindness, etc.-than by people, though. Off the top of my head: my grandfather. He isn't perfect, but he's a damn good human being. 

7. Do you believe in democracy?
Sam: Another excellent question with a difficult answer. Right now, my answer would be: not really. But I think it's the best available option. 

8. Do you think you're important?
Sam: My heart says yes and my mind is sleepy, so yes. I think I'm important to the people in my life. And that's enough.

9. Do you believe in luck, and why?
Sam: Yes, because I've been lucky, and unlucky, and the universe is arbitrary. I shall rely on a quote here for further elaboration: ..It happens every day. When the lightning strikes a minute after you are gone or an airplane crashes that you might have been on. When your colleague falls ill and you do not. We think such things are random. But there is a balance to it all. One withers, another grows. Birth and death are part of the whole… -Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet In Heaven

10. What is your favorite food item?
Sam: At the moment, I would go with bread. I love breads. 


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June Favourites

It's been a long, complicated month. Here are the things I liked.

1. JAMUN. SO MANY JAMUN. What do you even call jamun in English? Oh. That. But anyway. SO TASTY. And healthy. These can't be real. But they are.

2. Mangoes. As dear to me as jamun, mangoes are the second of the three things which make summer bearable for me. More than bearable-they actually make me look forward to the withering heat.

3. It's the AC, the third and final thing on my list of Happy Summer Items, which actually makes summer bearable.

4. Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I think Malko has already mentioned these here, but I read the trilogy this month and the books are so good. Young adult, fantasy, and very engrossing. Reading, in general, has been a lovely highlight this month. I also read If I Stay, and its sequel, Where She Went, which I also liked very much. (Yes, it's been a month of YA.)

5. Sleeping in. The sweet joy of breakfast and lunch being the same meal. And I'm not talking about brunch. (Though brunch is nice too.)

6. I got a couple of streaks of "magenta red" in my hair. I love them! More or less. There was a moment in there, after a few days of euphoria, when I was just, meh. It just drove home the realization that I should never get a permanent tattoo because I'd probably move on from it in like 6 months and spend the rest of my life in a state of "oops."

7. All my classes are supposed to be super boring this term, and in an effort to make them as interesting as I possibly can, I BOUGHT COLOURFUL STATIONERY! Pretty notebooks and thin-line sketch-pens to write notes with. Ah, stationery :')
