Thursday, January 17, 2013

Stupid facebookers

Poetry is saying what everyone else has been thinking. [Which is something a critic said about some poet whose name I have shamelessly forgotten, and which has stayed with me forever because it just rings so true.]
Facebook statuses are repeating what everyone else had been saying and raking in the likes. >.<

I blame the movies.

I blame the movies. The movies and the books, but I can't hate my beloved books so I'm just going to lay all the blame on the movies. For showing me pretend, fantasy and making me believe, wish that it was real. For screwing up my life by setting such high standards of what a scripted reality can be like, and for making me forget that that's just what it is: scripted. Not real. Never real.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


The day is ending.
The sky is darkening,
The balloons are drooping,
Their life running dry.
The sun is setting,
The crows are crying,
Circling round the sky.
Leaves scatter the ground,
The heavens glow dull,
The night creatures start to stir.
The crescent moon already rising,
I accompany it up the stairs.
Down the hall,
Through the door,
Into my haven.

And a day in the world ends.


Sunday, January 6, 2013


This is pretty.
It's also the only ring I've come across so far that I would like, as, you know. A ring. So for posterity's sake, here it is.
Super cheesy, I know, but still.


Too much

Sometimes, I think having too much of something turns out worse than having too little. Being too smart, too rich. The ones with average insight, the poorer ones, their lives are so much simpler. When you're happy, satisfied, content with just the bare essentials. When a tiny step forward is a giant leap. Much as I hate Economics, I do see the whole decreasing marginal utility principle applying in my life: the tenth slice of chocolate cake is not half as tasty as that first bite. And while you still might keep eating it because the basic aim of our lives is to get more, and more-you've already crossed your optimum level of happiness.
But you can't not want more. You can' ignorance, to poverty. Nor can you really keep still: once you begin, you always hunger for more, even as you move from necessity to indulgence to gluttony. From need to contentment to a constant dissatisfaction.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Dad Got Me A Toy Helicopter For My Birthday

Yes, it happened. At first I was like, "Ooooh shiny toy!" but then, I realized I no longer enjoy toy helicopters or toy cars. I am not Nine; I'm Nineteen. Nineteen. 19. Wow saying that sounds very strange. How different am I now from when I was Nine? I enjoyed reading and dreaming and imagining. I still do enjoy all of those things. I used to play with toys. I pretty much STOPPED doing that when I turned 12. I think it's difficult for both of us to realize that I'm not a child anymore. I'm the youngest one so I guess I was always treated like a child. But I'm not,and that makes me happy and sad. Happy because like every other adult, I want to move out of my parents house and do my own thing. I want my own apartment and I want an independent life. Sad because there's so much responsibility. But "With great power comes great responsibility".


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Everything is a lie.

The previous one was the 199th post.
This is the 200th.
Your life is a lie.
You're in the Matrix.
I'm evil.

Happy New Year!


This year, I pray for happiness. I pray for peace, and I pray for joy. I pray for getting my old mush back, I pray for getting my old self back, my bubbliness and my enthusiasm for life and for speaking in capital letters. I pray for work not to get me down and for friends to always be around. I pray for fun and frolick and contemplation and epiphany. I pray for depth in happiness and frivolity in sadness. I pray for clarity. I pray for me, and I pray for the world.


I also pray for a better 300th post than the 100th or 200th were. *sigh* Such anticlimactic-ness.
Oh, and that I get better at board games, and find more time to play them.
And that I finish my 346 long reading list on Goodreads, and add more to it.
And that I write better, and more, and become more confident with my writing. That I'm not ashamed to own up to it.
And that I get whatever I want (which isn't bad for me) :P
That I get some certainty in my life, and my opinions, and make up my mind about who I am and what I believe and what I want to be.
That I figure out why people are actually reading this.