Friday, February 6, 2015

A Procrastinator's Life For Me

Today, I had to do one of three big Tasks. It's 12:18 a.m. right now and so far I have:

  1. Chilled with my cousin and aunt.
  2. Whatsapped.
  3. Eaten dinner.
  4. Checked my phone for notifications.
  5. Chilled more with my cousin and aunt.
  6. Whatsapped.
  7. Watched one episode of Once Upon A Time ("just one").
  8. Checked my phone for notifications.
  9. Craved chocolate cake and got a nutella sandwich instead, a fair trade I think.
  10. Whatsapped.
  11. Watched another episode of Once Upon A Time.
  12. Checked my phone for notifications.
  13. Opened up facebook in order to keep from watching another episode of Once Upon A Time.
  14. Whatsapped.
  15. Scrolled through facebook.
  16. Read a bunch of random links, none of which were meaningful enough for me to remember now, a mere hour later.
  17. Checked my phone for notifications.
  18. Changed my whatsapp profile picture (thrice). 
  19. Whatsapped friends.
  20. Listened to Jealous by Nick Jonas because the Marshmallow was singing it on whatsapp.
  21. Watched the Blank Space video because YouTube auto-play played it and who am I not to bend to YouTube's will? 
  22. Checked my phone for notifications.
  23. Scrolled through my iTunes hunting for a nice song to play as I worked. 
  24. Stalked my own blog.
  25. Stalked Malko and my bios on our blog.
  26.  Checked my phone for notifications. 
  27. Thought about waking up early tomorrow and working.
  28. Thought about how I didn't wake up early today and work.
  29. Instgrammed.
  30. Snapchatted.
  31. Documented my unhappiness regarding work in a snapchat selfie.
  32. Stalked everyone's snapchat story.
  33. Checked my phone for notifications.
  34. Written this post.
I think I'm going to go now.


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