Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why I think the world should end.

You know those people you see in movies or tv shows who are completely hopeless? The people that are so fucked up that they can't think straight? The people that pray for the world to end? I think they're overly dramatic and have a lot of shit to deal with. Unfortunately enough, I'm one of them. My grades are bad. My mind isn't stable. I feel like a pathetic waste of space because I waste all my time. I don't know how to do things right anymore. I lie. I laze around. I get angry. I yell at people. I guess the only thing left for me to do is do drugs and get a tattoo (i already have a few piercings.(and by few I mean 2 on each ear. :/ )). My parents think I'm hopeless. I don't think I blame them. My grades have been consistently low. I want to do better, but I don't. I can't.But still when your own parents say youre useless, it kinda hurts. I may not be a mushy feely person, but I do have a heart and its capable of hurting.
   I used to think that if I wanted to, I could always do better and that I chose not to work my ass off because I was just being a sloth. But I'm scared to find out the truth. What if my best isn't good enough? Four or five years ago, I KNEW for a fact that if I tried my best, I would be where I wanted to be. Now, not so sure.
   Sometimes I wonder, if I continued to be that boring person that I used to be in 7th or 8th grade,would I be doing better? Did things like music and popularity get to my head? Can I ever be that smart person that I used to be?
All of this may seem like a whole bunch of cliche bull crap. Trust me, it is. But stuff like this does happen. It may not seem like a big deal to others, but to people who're facing it, it ain't no joyride.
   So, I strongly want the world to end. But I don't want to die without doing the things I've always wanted to do..but thats for another time. I'm done venting now. For those of you who actually read this and made it to the end, congratulations. No, seriously, you deserve it.

So long people...this is MAlko saying maytheforcebewithyou.

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