Saturday, October 3, 2015

September Favourites

Once again, I am late (though this time I don't care, because I was just so tired.) Once again, I have forgotten to keep a post running through the month, and that I do care about because- what did I even do in September? I have no memory of the past month, and not in the good way, so bear with me on this vague, generic list please.

  1. One thing I am 100% certain was a favourite was the end of that exhausting, soul-sucking term, and equally horrendous set of exams. Just. Over. Goodbye. Please stay gone.
  2. Cuddling. Always.
  3. THIS "SEXY AND I KNOW IT" COVER! I must find a way to get myself over this, it has taken over my life (and now all my YouTube recommends for me is various other covers of the song. IT'S NOT THE SAME THING, YOUTUBE. STOP ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT.) 
  4. The Voice (US), in general, especially Season 4, with Shakira and Usher. If I survived the week before exams in one piece, it was because Doobie kept spamming me with links from this season, and man does this show seem great. Blake and his dad-jokes, Shakira being the little...spitfire that she is, Usher just straight-up exuding chill, and Adam, my dear Adam and his puppy faces and sad, sweet efforts to get people on his team. I have to watch this show properly at some point. But for now, it's goodbye till next exam/project time, I suppose. 
  5. Pizza in the quad yo. Because pizza, and also quad. And decent company is never amiss, I guess.
  6. That moment, and evening, when Doobie and I found out we had another 6 days to work on our projects. Breathing a sigh of relief, actually breathing, feeling the weight of the world lift off my shoulders, where it had accumulated without my even having realized it, dropping everything and going out, laughing, laughing, and wandering the streets putting up posters, publicizing my favourite fest (ah, who am I kidding, I love them all), relaxed and happy and in control again.  I knew there was a god up there somewhere. 
  7. Chatting with MathBoy, and liking my writing again, at least for that brief moment. And not hating it afterwards either. The joy of knowing that it makes at least someone, somewhere happy. 
  8. Nyancat's treat! The company, certainly, and rolling our eyes at over-friendly, pushy waiters, and cherry pie with cream, and warm chocolate cake, and loving barbs and hugs and, in my case, free food. ^_^
  9. This kind of happened after midnight on the 30th, but I maintain, usually, that it isn't the next day until you have slept and woken up and/or the sun has risen, so Imma just include it here: making up holiday homework questions. And answering some of them. 
  10. Shopping with Popo and the Cat! I did not do any shopping myself (SUCCESSFUL EXERCISE OF SELF-CONTROL YAAS BITCHES) (okay except when I succumbed and bought that beautiful pair of earrings but they were so unique and do you know how difficult it is finding unique earrings (or clothes or anything, for that matter) these days when everything looks the same. That wasn't shopping, that was an investment.) but I love assisting other people shop as well, when I'm in the mood (i.e. have adequate food and sleep, both of which I did- who would've known bacon and sausages inside pancakes would taste so damn good?) so that was a really fun day even if I was dead on my feet by the end. Plus it was also nice going and trying out pretty clothes I found, even if I had no intention whatsoever of buying them. 
  11. Oh, learning about the new One D album, and listening to their new single(s)! Drag me down. <3 
  12. Being called terms of endearment. :3
  13. Jackass, I suppose. *rolls eyes*
  14. Talking, bistro pasta and that episode and a half of Boys over Flowers, with Popo. ^_^ 
  15. Packing, McDonalds and half of a walk with Doobie. Chatting for hours, again, listening again, connecting again, companionship again.

Hey, turns out I can remember good things if I try hard enough.


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