Thursday, September 11, 2014

June, July and August Favorites?????

I'm a horrible person, I know. I've just been so unproductive lately; I have no idea what I'm doing with my time anymore.

1. FOOTBALL- During the months of June and July, Football took over the world. I have watched the 2010 World Cup as well, but I didn't find myself being drawn towards it. However, this time, I established my loyalty to my top teams and supported them till the end. My numero uno team was Brasil, so.....*sighs* yeah, you can imagine how I must have felt when they were eliminated. I can confirm that tears were shed. That match was heart wrenching and organ gutting. I didn't sign up for this emotional torture man. I just wanted to watch a nice sport with hot men who occasionally take their shirts off. If that wasn't enough, just go on and guess who my favorite player was. Go on. Guess. Yup. Neymar. Depressed would be an understatement. I was devastated. I didn't even go to college after that. I couldn't. It was too painful. The good news is, he's A-Okay now and, not only is he back in the game, but he is the captain of the Brasilian team. I am so proud of my boy. I am so in love with him.

2. Neymar- He just deserved his own heading okay. This boy is ruining my life I swear.

3. Italian Food- This should be on my favorites all the time because I can't stop cooking or eating it. I kid you not; I can eat italian all the time.

4. Outlander- It's a Starz show that's based on a novel by Diana Gabaldon. It's basically a historical fiction and fantasy series following Claire, a nurse during World War II who travels back to 18th century Scotland. You can have high expectations knowing that it is a Starz show. If you haven't watched any shows that air on Starz, I highly recommend this and Da Vinci's Demons.

5. Anime- I've watched a lot so I think I'm just going to review it on another post.

That's all for the past few months.

This is Malko saying

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