Saturday, September 3, 2011

Writer's block sucks.

Yes it does. And it always strikes at the worst possible moment, when you are desperate to write (and, conveniently, avoid having to do other, less fun, things). You do everything, open up your blog, and boom, you're blank. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Not a single idea. Even Google wasn't helpful! All it gave me was this-, and the first topic ("How I Use Facebook"), just got me depressed again. Thanks Google. Thanks a lot. Its not enough that I can't turn my head without seeing something that reminds me of facebook, now you have to shove it in my face. I never realized the genius of Zuckerberg, until I tried to get away from it, to break free of his honey trap, and realized just how badly I was caught. 'Share', 'like', even 'tag'-words you hear every day, common words, but now, they all point to just one thing. *sigh* Two more days, and I'll be cured of my longing, and all my posts hopefully won't end up being about my yearning for FB.


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