Monday, September 26, 2011

An Ode To My Marshmallow

Note: Marshmallow is a person. A female person. A female person whose birthday it is today. If you're looking for a post about white fluffy amazing manna-food marshmallows, today is not your day. 

Hi Marshmallow! ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY! *news flash*  *starts singing the 'Hey Shorty' song*

You turn..well you know how old, today, and I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU! You bring out the optimist in me, by being so pessimistic. You make me think, by asking so many questions. I think I'm way further on the road to finding the Meaning/Point of Life (PS-I've narrowed it down to either "hot guys" or "chocolates") because of you. I'm way more uninhibited because of you-I don't think there's a single topic in this world that we haven't or won't talk about! You're white and fluffy and soft (and probably yummy) just like a marshmallow and you're cuter than any baby. I love how you can whine forever, then be all practical; how you can say with total confidence that All Guys Are Jerks and go back to yearning for them the next week without batting an eyelid. How you're smart, and funny, and SO BLOODY CUTE! How you still manage to look like a fifth grader, despite being a certified adult. How you are now Important enough to have Rumors about you. How you are 

This is nothing like an ode, and Keats is probably turning over in his grave hearing me call this one, but..its a dedication, to you, my marshmallow, and thats enough for me to call it one. Besides, I've always wanted to be able to say that I've written an ode, despite the fact that I can't write poetry for shit (why would I write poetry for shit though? WHY?). Anyway. I don't really want to end this on the topic of shit, so I'll just add in a picture of you:

Pretty decent representation, no?


1 comment:

  1. omg im crying now :') this. is. awesome. n i cant believe that im responsible for your progress in the search of salvation(is that the right word to be used here?) n i still maintain that all guys are,in fact,jerks. there's no denying that. but at the end of the day im just a girl with needs.
    i dont think any topic is too embarrassing for us to discuss. we are bold enough to question n dumb enough to attempt searching the answers for them :P then again,that's what makes us awesome. n the Rumors make me feel even awesomer!!!!!
    my sassy coco cupcake,i hope YOU succeed in all your life's endeavours because you deserve to. thank you for giving me the awesomest two years of my life.

    p.s. this ode is better than an ode to a nightingale n to autumn n all the other odes written by all the other poets in the world.
    p.p.s. yep. that is a VERY accurate representation of me.
